The Lover’s Game is an intriguing tale of love. Betrayal, anger, secrets, possibility, and redemption are all pieces to the puzzle of one man’s search for love.
Bryan Brown is a self-professed failure at love. Bryan finds himself on the end of a failed relationship and desires to close himself off from ever losing at the game of love again, however, a late-night phone call from a figure from the past changes this for Bryan forever.
Michelle Lee, Bryan’s former lover, blows back into his life and brings pain from the past with her. Michelle desires forgiveness for her part in an indiscretion with Bryan’s best friend, Donovan “Donnie” Vance. Donnie also desires reconciliation, and in a last-ditch effort reveals a nearly seven-year-old secret that rocks Bryan’s world to its core.
A chain of further events, including a new lover, unfold that alters the lives of each individual as they play their role in the vicious game of love. In the end the question remains, who will win at The Lover’s Game?
The Lovers Game
File Size: 1128 KB (Kindle Version) Print Length: 489 pages Publisher: Self Published Publication Date: March 22, 2020 Sold by: Services LLC Language: English ASIN: B0868VLVRD